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Air in the intestines 


Please read Gillian Edwards article: (PDF)


Why Does Gas Cause Bloating?




Foods, which can produce excessive air in the intestines:

Whole grains, beans, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, raw vegetables, salads, onions and garlic, acid-forming fruits such as apples and oranges, sugar and drinks containing sugar, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.   


Foul-smelling wind can occur if you eat:

Egg, onion, garlic, leek, cabbage, strong spicy food, strong cheese


If you suffer from stomach cramps or constipation, check your consumption of:

Grains, un-chewed nuts, dates, raisins, coconut, asparagus, mushrooms, leek, spinach, salads, corn, peas, cucumber peel, tomato peel, fruit peel, popcorn


Most people expel excess swallowed air through burping. Any remaining air travels down into the small intestine. The air can be absorbed, but some moves further down into the large intestine to finally be released at the rectum.


Aerophagia (swallowing of air) is a common cause of flatulence. This can occur if you use incorrect swallowing techniques when eating. Aerophagia can also occur if you unconsciously swallow air through pure habit. Activities that may cause you to swallow air can be: eating and drinking quickly, using chewing gum or tobacco, eating or sucking on tablets or sweets (hard candy), drinking carbonated beverages, loose dentures, hyperventilating or anxiety.


Analysis of the air from the stomach and intestines may help to determine whether air is produced by aerophagia or digestion.



A few practical tips


Do not eat foods that ‘feed’ the intestinal flora

Avoid foods that can produce excessive air. Avoid eating sugar and food with a high sugar content. It is not good for the digestion, absorption of vitamins and minerals, or your general stomach and intestinal condition.


Avoid foods you are intolerant to

Try to avoid foods and beverages that bother your stomach. This means not only food you are allergic to, but also food you feel irritates your throat, stomach or digestion.


Avoid eating and talking at the same time.

By eating quickly and talking at the same time you will swallow (more) air which can result in flatulence. Try to have stress free meals, chew thoroughly and give yourself time to enjoy your food. The same applies when you drink. Enjoy what you have in your glass.


Avoid too many bubbles.

Avoid large amounts of drinks with bubbles; it will introduce extra air into your stomach. The air will either be quickly expelled in the form of a burp, or it will be rumbling in the stomach and pass into the intestines. If you drink sweet carbonated beverages (not light) you put even more strain on your intestines as both the bubbles and sugar can cause air.


Do not overeat

Do you eat in a pattern that keeps your stomach happy? For some it is best to eat the recommended three main meals with snacks in between, while others need to eat more often. Test your meal pattern, and adjust if necessary.


Be aware of diet change.

Changing from one type of diet to another can also affect the digestive system. If you have decided to eat a more high-fibre diet (more vegetables and whole grains), you may feel more rumbling in your abdominal area, but it's just a matter of time before the digestive system adjusts to the new healthier living conditions.


Strengthen your digestive system:

The intestinal flora processes the food, but bad intestinal bacteria can form air during the digestion process

If you feel that your stomach needs a little extra help, take some supplements with probiotic bacteria. These can strengthen your stomach culture.


Get enough sleep

If you do not get enough sleep you will stress your body.

The digestive system is very sensitive to stress – and flatulence can be a consequence.



Exercise is super healthy for the body. The stomach, intestines and the whole digestive system love physical activity. This can also, however, be a cause of flatulence. 

Inside & Out. Copyright Kirsten Hellum 2024
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